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Social & Emotional Learning Sessions for Educators

In-person and virtual presentations are available. Each presentation can range from 60 minutes to one full day, based on needs and extension opportunities. Hands-on coaching and consultation sessions are also available.

Presentations are tailored to meet the needs of a wide variety of key school stakeholders. Audiences such as: General, Gifted, and Special Education Teachers, Administrators and Leadership Teams, School Counselors and Mental Health Providers, Paraprofessionals, Related Service and Support Providers.

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Teaching and Supporting Emotional Regulation

In this session, participants will learn what appropriate feeling regulation is, what it looks like in our students, and how to support appropriate feeling regulation within and outside of the classroom. Specific tools, programs, and interventions will be shared.


Trauma-Informed Practices and How to Support in Your School

In this session, participants will learn the impact of trauma on students. The 5 guiding principles of trauma-informed care will be discussed, and specific interventions and strategies to support this model will be shared.


Tiered Behavior Supports Within a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)

In this session, participants will learn research-based strategies and interventions to support Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 behaviors. Specific interventions, strategies, and data tracking systems will be shared, designed to support the philosophy and framework of the MTSS Model.


Creating a Supportive Classroom, Restorative Practices-Based

In this session, participants will learn techniques and strategies to set up and run a supportive and restorative classroom. Skill sets designed to encourage empathy and respect towards others, as well as effective conflict resolution strategies, will be shared.

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The SEL Standards... How to Easily Infuse Into Your Daily Curriculum

In this session, participants will learn about the 5 SEL standards and how to seamlessly embed them each day into their curriculum. Practices such as student-centered discipline, teacher language and rapport, effective use of teamwork, student self-assessment, reflection, and cooperative learning opportunities will be shared.